Group companies at the roots of Ferel are in the service of white goods sector for the last 30 years.

    -With its full automation technological infrastructure beyond of the sector, Ferel is manufacturing switch harness, spark generator and spark plug for white goods sector.

    We welcome you to experience the Ferel technology.

    It aims “constant progression
    and reformation”. Ferel has been
    independently assessed and is
    complying with the
    requirements of ISO 9001, 14001,
    18001, RoHs – REACH, VDE

    FEREL ELECTRONICS was established in 2013 as an ignition system manufacturer for supporting industry of white goods sector. With full automation equipment pool and advanced technological infrastructure, FEREL is located in a 10.000 square meters area in Silivri Selimpasa and in service of manufacturing switch harness, spark generator and spark plug for white goods sector.

    Invested as in a way to respond to the global claim in its own sector, FEREL ELECTRONICS’s domestic and foreign customers can reach out to products with maximum performance by means of advanced and innovative technology; and they’re welcomed with high quality and competitive prices.

    Our Vision
    (What We Do, Our Future)
    We are an organization which constantly renovates, researches and learn and
    our goal is to deliver:
    *the best price-quality ratio
    *the fastest and flexible manufacturing capability
    *the best technical support
    *the broadest product range
    *and by maintaining the customer satisfaction;
    becoming the leading supporting industry of white goods sector worldwide.
    Our Mission
    (Why We Exist)
    Utilizing all the sources we have and also enhancing them
    accordingly to technical innovations, we aim to introduce Ferel goods and
    quality; and besides initiate and include
    FEREL products in each and every electronic device production globally.